I love my kids. I love my life. I feel blessed more and more every day, but that doesn't mean there are days I feel like I am swimming in my clothes, more like drowning. You get the picture? I sat in Sunday School yesterday as we were taught how to best help our children to learn. Hands were raised steadily through the hour lesson and example after example were given and I sat there with my hand in my lap and my mind racing for ideas to share.
The thing is I am usually one of THOSE people that fellow classmates hate, but teachers love. I usually have something to share that has worked or hasn't worked for me. This last Sunday was different, I kept thinking, I have no clue what I am doing. I really feel like I am winging it, 90% of the time. Honestly, I'm treading water in the massive pond of Motherhood. To tell you the truth, I hate Mommy blogs, whether its crafts, parenting, food, etc. Yes, I am well aware I am a mother blogging!
So I am keeping it real; I have no grand plan on Motherhood, no cleaning plan that works, no dinner schedule that dazzles the masses, my baby sitting co-op is slowly dying, I don't have a workout routine guaranteed to shed the weight, nor do I care to work it off right now. I lack in so many areas it makes my head spin. I am just trying to stay afloat.
I have a quote in my home, well actually I have a few of them, that reads "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain." It doesn't tell you had to harness the storm, or the five steps to a cleaner, brighter happier sky, but to simply dance. Flippin' DANCE. I had these shoes I used to wear to dances in high school and I'd say, "They make me jump higher, run faster and dance like no ones watching." Turn up the music and dance to your own craziness!
Here's to the crazy Mom's who roll down the windows and blast their horns when they drop their teenager off; the Mom who finds an extra pair of kid socks in your sweatshirt sleeve; the Mom who forgets snacks and zip locks popcorn for the starving first graders; the Mom who shows up late to a daughter half time performance, etc. You rock! We mom's adore you! All of us stand by and wish we had your style, your patience, your attitude, your hair and your adorable smile. Power to the moms! Keep swimming.