Monday, October 13, 2014

secret pal

It was Christmas time over fifty years ago, in a small town of Connecticut, USA.  There was a young mother far away from her own closely knit family of sisters in Salt Lake City, UT.  She was newly married, with two very demanding children, the youngest demanding constant care being born six weeks early.  She married a man that swept her off her feet, weeks before his deployment.  It was a hurried wedding, and then a long time spent apart.  Naoma was her name, with crystal clear blue eyes, far skin, with brown hair.  She was far from your typical Utah Mormon girl; she was glamorous.  She even had a hint of mischief in her eye.

As the snow fell and her heart was weakened through the ugliness of home sickness there was a faint tap at her door.  She almost thought it was the wind.  She slowly opened the door, and there on her doorstep was a tiny wrapped present bearing her name.  As she opened the card, she read, "To Naoma, Love Your Secret Pal."

From then on every birthday, holiday and some times out of the blue she would receive a knock on her door or a random stranger giving her something from her "Secret Pal".  It was sometimes home made bread, flower from a garden, a nice trinket or just a sweet card, but Naoma always felt loved living in a little town across the continent from her home.

As the years went on, the gifts continued.  Now Grandma Naoma was rather old and gray.  As once declared at age 16 by a palm reader, "You'll live so long that you'll dry up and blow away."  She loved telling that story and towards the end of her life she would get it all mixed up and say "I'm going to blow up and dry away!"  Fortunately for us the former happen and she died peacefully a few months ago at the age of 90.  We miss her so much.  We miss her constant love, listening ear, games played together, food fights and her famous chocolate chip cookies and fudge.
Naoma Elizabeth Logie
It was late in the evening when an elderly lady came into the viewing room in Bountiful, Utah.  She was sort of plain and stayed back for awhile.  No one quite knew who she belonged to.  As everyone started to leave she brought forward a tiny bouquet and set it next to Naoma's hand.  She whispered softly into her ear and started walking quietly away.  My dear mother-in-law walked up to her and ask how she was aquatinted with Naoma.  She replied, "I am not.  I am on an errand for a sister of mine in Connecticut.  She asked me to bring this tonight and to tell Naoma how much she loved her.  Years ago your Mother Naoma was having a pretty lonely Christmas, upon a request from her Bishop (pastor of our church) she dropped off a little present on her doorstep.  That sister of mine magnifies everything she touches!  You should see her garden! She hasn't stopped ever since that day and now she's pulled me into this plan when Naoma came to live with you."  My mother-in-law lit up with delight!  "Oh I know your sister!   She was the nice lady who lived around the corner, whose garden was envied by all the congregation.  She was the one who was my Mother's "Secret Pal". " They sat arms linked together and reminisced long into the evening.

Although I don't know this woman in Connecticut I dearly admire her.  The simple acts of kindness she rendered continued thru the decades and were demenstrated on a regular basis.  I am sure her heart is pure gold and she radiates sunshine with every step she takes.

You don't have to look far for someone to serve, they may sleep in your own bed.  I love the whole secret service idea.  It's so fun to do surprises!  The other day I planned a Surprise Birthday party for my husband in a very short 2 hours.  Although his birthday is in December I thought, he's too good not to be celebrated more often.  So I sent kids in all different direction;  benefits of having 5 kids!  Emme made the cake, boys mowed the lawn, and the girls decorated.  I cooked the dinner and wrapped presents; one of which was an old pair of his underwear (gotta love kids humor)! He came home in shock and confusion, sprinkled with pure delight!  I may be slightly delusional and this side of ADD but know that life is too short to not be a little crazy.

So try it.  Plan a little surprise service project.  See how long you can go undetected.  Make it a game.  Or you can be completely nuts and hire an artist to delivery a singing telegram for someone!  There are no limits.  Make someones day and by doing so you're day will be better too!

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