Monday, August 18, 2014

chicken noodle soup

A few years back my older sister went through some serious finical troubles.  The economy went down real fast.  Building jobs shut down almost over night.  My amazing brother-in-law was in over his head, with too many specs not moving.  They tried everything from selling big ticket items to working for pennies.  Before they knew it they had to foreclose on their gorgeous home that sat on two acres.  It was a rough year on their family.  Many tender mercies and growing experiences, but there is one I choose to share.

With little time to find another home in the middle of the school year a kind neighbor offered them an old farm house they could rent for free, if they helped clean up the place.  It was old, mice infested, but it had character and gosh darn it, my sister LOVED it!  When I heard about the mice, I called her in a panic, but she played it off and said, "I took care of it.  I yelled, "Ty, grab your bb gun." and I layed on top of my bed, waiting for him to show.  Then "POP!"  I shot him!  One hit to the head!"  I giggled then and still think it's hilarious.  Jennifer always knows how to make lemonade with lemons.

During this trial Jennifer had a dear friend pass away.  Jennifer would spend hours a day there, multiple times a week and sometimes a couple of times a day.  She would wash dishes, do laundry, change her sheets, massage her feet and one night she even brought in a bottle of wine, which is against our religious beliefs, and said with a giggle, "Are you sure there's not one more thing you wanna try?"  Jennifer brought in meals, helped her dress and would spend hours simply talking.  A few weeks before her passing she told Jennifer, "When I get to heaven I am going to send you another little girl, a fiery one, to keep you on your toes!"  Jennifer who had no plans on having anymore kids said, "Leigh don't you dare!"

Well, within 3 months and without even ovulating Jennifer was pregnant.  She spent most of the time hung over her toilet puking all her innards out.  She was put on an IV at 6 weeks.  Still she couldn't keep anything down.  One night was extremely bad.   My mom called to check in on her, "How ya doing Sis?"  My sister replied, "Not good mom, I feel like hell."  Inside Mom felt torn, she knew she had to be somewhere early the next day that would require her there all day, that she committed to months before.  That night as Mom went to bed she prayed to God, "Heavenly Father, I know you are there and can make anything happen.  All Jennifer needs is just a good home cooked meal.  Please Lord can you make this happen."

The next day about mid afternoon on a Saturday there was a knock on my sisters door.  There stood the lady who now lived in her million dollar home holding homemade chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes, my sisters favorite.  My sister was gracious and thankful and deeply touched by this woman's kind heart.  Soon my moms phone was ringing, "Mom, you'll never believe who was at my door and what she brought!!?"  My sister related the story and my mom's heart was full of gratitude as she thanked the Lord for hearing and answering a mother's plea.

The best part of the story continues when nine months later Portia Leigh was born and true to Leigh's word she was a fiery one!  My sister was now living in Mesa, AZ.  My mom grabbed a box of Krispy Kreams and drove over to my sisters old gorgeous home and knocked on the door.  The kind lady answered and my mom said, "I know you don't know me from the man on the moon, but not too long ago you took a meal over to my daughter who used to live here. I just wanted you to know you were literally an answer to my prayer.   I just want to thank you for doing something outside your comfort zone."  The lady started crying, "Thank you for coming and telling me the whole story.  I have always wondered how my service was viewed.  I didn't feel like a meal would be sufficient owning their old home they were forced to leave."

Prayers are answered through our tiny hands.  In the Book of Mormon, in the Book of Mosiah 23:10, "…the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands…"  The Lord knows us, listens to our every prayer; he weeps when we weep.  When trials are burying you, try to pray and listen for his reply.  When you feel a thought to help someone out, do it!  This is the Lord's lifeline; he is reaching out to you.  He blesses us thru others.  This life is about looking out for others that need your help.  You will never regret serving others.

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer,

Auna Leigh

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